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Mosaics and ceramics

Guillaume Bottazzi’s interior and exterior mosaics are often in marble, and his ceramics can be installed on a wall or façade, in a ventilated position.
The materials are durable, resisting the vicissitudes of time, incivilities, sunlight and wind. The reputation of the coordinated teams, the installers, craftsmen and technicians, is well established as regards their excellence.​ Each work is unique and formed on the basis of a number of different and, especially, contextual parameters.

Art in situ in Vincennes, Grand Paris. This artwork, designed by Guillaume Bottazzi, is made of ceramic.

Ceramic © 

“Approached by two Austrian neuroscientists several years ago, they demonstrated the influence of Guillaume Bottazzi’s work on reducing anxiety and increasing dopamine levels.”
Juliette & Victor Magazine, winter 2022-2023

Marble mosaic designed by the artist Guillaume Bottazzi. Permanent work.

Mosaic © 

“Guillaume Bottazzi is the first to be convinced that certain works of art act like medicine, making us happier. He has been exploring the intimate links between neurology and art in our living spaces for more than a decade, focusing on our well-being.”
La Libre Belgique 
newspaper, April 2024